Photos Afuera

January 9, 2013. Casa Grande, Quito, Ecuador. When we got back from our trip to the States, we settled into our  hostal and decided to open a window to let in some cooler air. Upon opening the window this little guy jumped up, brick in mouth, wanting to play. Thankfully, roof dogs are quite common in Ecuador, a fact we were very familiar with, so our new furry friend was more of a pleasant surprise rather than something to the contrary. Still, we were pretty shocked that the dog would be so friendly.  He didn't make the jump into our room, but did play with us for quite a while. It's a wonder no one staying below us came up to complain about the loud banging on the roof as we threw him his wooden block toy.

February 2013. Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador. At Banco Central Museum. Part of the Banco Central Museum includes an outdoor exhibit where this llama was grazing. Llamas are very common in Ecuador, and are used in parks as lawnmowers. Park rangers will move the llamas to different locations throughout the day to control their grazing areas and make sure all the park's grassy areas get proper grooming.

February 24, 2013. On the bus from Cuenca to Loja.

March 30, 2013. Los Frailes, Manabi, Ecuador.

March 30, 2013. Puerto Lopez, Manabi, Ecuador. 

March 30, 2013. Puerto Lopez, Manabi, Ecuador.

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