Photos- Loja

September 26, 2012. Dia de la Bandera Nacional. At the Coliseo for my school (Unidad Educativa Anexa de la Universidad Nacional de Loja "Manuel Cabrera Lozano")'s Banderado ceremony. The ceremony celebrates patriotism and national pride.  Top 6 Seniors are involved in the presentation of two Ecuadorian flags and accompanying speeches.  

November 9, 2012. This is a view down Calle Bolivar, very close to where I live. The flags are the Loja Province flag. They were hung in honor and celebration of Loja's independence day, November 18th.

November 30, 2012. Rival Colegio "Bernardo Valdivieso" at the Loja Province's Battle of the High School Bands Competition. 

December 13, 2012. This is a view of Calle Lourdes. Lights are strung down this street for Christmas.

February 9, 2013. Dog Shaming. This picture is dedicated to Nicky. =) Khayla and I were babysitting Izzo for the weekend and at one point opened our front door so Izzo could run the length of the terrace and anywhere else he wanted inside the apartment while we were playing. The first few minutes were great. He was running excitedly, fetching his cloth Frisbee toy and generally having a good time. Then, as we were playing he started barking. We took this as a sign of his excitement and appreciation for the game, but then all of a sudden mid-run Izzo poops. Just plain run-squat, poop. Khayla and I were shocked. We looked at each other, then down at Izzo who had then made his way over to the table and sat down, clearly very embarrassed. For the next few minutes he just sat there looking at us with such a sad, "I'm so, so sorry" expression. Then it got us thinking. Was he really thattt into our game? or once he started barking was he really just trying to tell us he needed to poop? 

March 1, 2013. Inside Teatro Universitario Bolivar. Below is a lobby (with a rotating art gallery) that leads to the actual theater. Photos of the theater itself coming soon.

March 1, 2013.View from my outside terrace.

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